Plagiarism Checker

The University of Szeged Klebelsberg Library has acquired the CrossCheck-iThenticate plagiarism checker tool of the CrossRef Agency.

IThenticate, serving as a plagiarism comparison database, consists of 60 billion archived and current web pages, 105 million print-only sources, and more than 49 million scholarly electronic articles, conference proceedings, and books.

Another feature is the „Doc-to-Doc Comparison”, which can compare up to 5 documents of up to 400 pages with the file selected for scanning. The files on which the comparison is based can be sent to us by our requesters.

Please send your inquiries in docx format to the following email address: 
The title, the authors’ names, and affiliations must appear in the manuscript. In the case of the thesis, please provide the name of the department and the supervisor.

Doctoral theses are only accepted through Doctoral Schools.

The service is free of charge for authors.

The normal processing time for similarity check requests is 3 workdays.

Guide to evaluating the results