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Egyetemi szerzők, kiadók műhelyek: Illyés Szabolcs kötetének bemutatója

2023 december 12 4:00 du. - 5:30 du.


A Catholic Movements – Political Movements című könyv bemutatója.

A szerzővel, Illyés Szabolccsal (tudományos munkatárs, SZTEPOL) Döbör András (egyetemi docens, JGYPK) beszélget. A kötet közel két évtizednyi – egyháztörténeti és szociológiai – kutatómunka eredményeit foglalja össze.

Az esemény ingyenes, könyvtári tagsághoz nem kötött.
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„The communist-atheist regime: the nearly five decades of state-imposed religious persecution have inflicted enduring harm on the institutions of the Catholic Church in Hungary. Neverthless, this period of martyrdom also ushered in a new era. During the most oppressive years of the regime, numerous small, community-driven faith movements, drawing strenght from resistance and belief in the theological perspective: Kingdom of Christ, came into being. These spiritual initiatives, reffered to as New Catholic Movements (NChMs), remained largely undergroung until the regime change. At this point some of them gained prominence as „revival” phenomena, galvanizing communities by the thousands and even tens of thousands during the turn of the millennium. Emloying a multidisciplinary research approach , we analyzed these complex phenomena using variables adapted from the successful analysis of sociopolitical movements, applying value network analysis. The examination is based on thousands of pages of written documents and nearly fifty oral history sources. Through this comprehensive analysis, we aim to offer both outsiders and, perhaps, insiders a closer look at the unique Central-Eastern European community life of specific movements like Regnum. the distinctly Hungarian Bokor and Háló, as well as international movements such as Taizé, Foi et Lumière, Focolare, and the diverse Catholic Charismatic Movement.”


2023 december 12
4:00 du. - 5:30 du.
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SZTE Klebelsberg Könyvtár


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